This Week's Sunday Preaching
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We were in full time Ministry for many years, but in 1996 God changed our circumstances, thus beginning our Grace Walk journey, where we came to understand that Father God loves us all unconditionally, and wants to have a relationship with His children, based on not what we do for Him, but what He has already done for us, through the finished work of the Cross.

A welcome from Steve
It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to Grace Walk Australia's web site! We are excited about the things our Father is doing to reveal His grace to this great nation! As you browse our site, I hope you will be encouraged in your own grace walk.
Ron and Evelyn Swain, our National Directors for Grace Walk Australia are available to speak to your group, to answer your questions and to network you with other grace walkers. Please don't hesitate to contact them.
Launching Steve McVey's newest book with a "Beyond An Angry God Conference!" June 27-29 Speakers will be Steve McVey, Wm. Paul Young and Baxter Kruger!
Saved By Grace
I was saved in 2001 from a life of self-destruction pain and grief and on the verge of yet another suicide attempt. I had never been to church or had any idea who Jesus was. One day out of the blue I decided to go to church, with my mum, who also had never been to church. I received the love of God into my heart; I was radically transformed and changed and thus began my journey with Jesus.
It wasn't long before I was attending 3 meetings a week, prayer meetings, bible college, mission trips, conferences, running the women's ministry and of course, as I was so very good (pun intended) I was cleaning the toilets, all of this and being a single mum to two children as my first husband had passed away 2 years earlier from cancer. I also prayed 4 hours a day read my bible religiously and was disconnected from the rest of world in case I caught something, ha-ha.